My Photo
Location: Spokane, Washington, United States

I'm a sweet young cat who got adopted into a nice home in Spokane back in August of 2005. I love to pounce on my older sister and have earned the nickname "The Terror of Cannon Street" because I get into trouble a lot.

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Saturday, March 25, 2006

Glamour Shots

Mommy made me do a little photoshoot a few days ago to show everyone that I don't always look so crazy, that I am actually growing up to be quite the pretty kitty, just like my older sister. I think she's right!

I love my new spot!

My Mommy surprised me with a large carpeted thingy that I can climb all over yesterday. I was so excited about it that I couldn't even wait until she put it in it's final spot, I had to jump on top of it while she was hauling it up the stairs! Anyway, after it was all set up, I discovered just how fun it is to climb up to the top really fast. I also like to sleep in the top shelf, because from there I can see everything, which is good for alerting me to when my sister comes into the room so I can climb down and attack her!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Goofy Faces and Comfortable Places

So I like to sleep with my tongue sticking out sometimes, so what?

I love Daddy's new blanket, and I love hte warmth of the laptop.

Daddy's new blanket is so comfortable that I can lie on my back dreaming of flying upside down.