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Location: Spokane, Washington, United States

I'm a sweet young cat who got adopted into a nice home in Spokane back in August of 2005. I love to pounce on my older sister and have earned the nickname "The Terror of Cannon Street" because I get into trouble a lot.

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Saturday, February 25, 2006

An update on my boyfriend - I need to bite my Daddy

I'm so angry at my Daddy! He's been shutting the door so I can't get into the office to see my boyfriend! He keeps saying something about how he doesn't want me to get hurt because my boyfriend Mark is 'soldering', but all I know is I really miss him and my Daddy's being really mean and keeping me from my first love!

I mean, look at me! All I can do is lie around the house and daydream about Mark, and how much I miss flirting with him and how nice it feels when he pets me.


Blogger Daisy Ditzy Do said...

That Bastard! What if you paw at the door? Oh! Oh! My B-Dawg can show you how a door opens.
I hope you get back to your boyfriend soon.

4:18 PM  
Blogger Shaggy and Scout said...

You need to get daddy out of the picture. Can you lock him in the bathroom or somethin'?

4:38 PM  
Blogger The Crew said...

Quick - sneak into the office and give Mark a kiss while Dad is busy elsewhere. Then he'll know you still care.

9:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I can't believe that you are being kept away from your boyfriend! Scratch that door down!

9:25 AM  

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